USAID Reducing Demand for Wildlife (RDW) built on the USAID Wildlife Asia program, which ran from 2016-2021. RDW helped reduce demand for wildlife parts and products and promoted the social and behavior change communication (SBCC) approach. It also advanced knowledge and understanding of an integrated approach to CWT, while advancing regional coordination and partnership. USAID Wildlife Asia pioneered evidence-based and targeted demand reduction campaigns based on SBCC. It also advanced ten counter wildlife trafficking laws and policies that introduced dramatic increases in fines and sentencing for wildlife crime, mainstreamed the collaborative approach among law enforcement agencies to countering transnational organized wildlife crime, and trained over 125 law enforcement agencies from 24 countries across Asia and Africa. You can find campaign materials, innovative tools, research, and other resources developed during both RDW and USAID Wildlife Asia in this section.
Wildlife Free Traveler Thailand Component Campaign Report
The Wildlife Free Traveler campaign in Thailand aimed to reduce purchases of ivory products among Chinese and other travelers visiting Thailand.
Digital Deterrence Campaign Report
The Digital Deterrence campaign used digital marketing techniques to prevent the purchase of illegal wildlife products online and reduce demand in Thailand.
Only Elephants Wear Ivory Best Campaign Report
The Only Elephants Wear Ivory Best campaign promoted a message that “Ivory is beautiful and has value only on elephants.”
No Ivory No Tiger Amulets Campaign Report
The No Ivory No Tiger Amulets (NINT) campaign aimed to reduce demand for ivory and tiger products driven by spiritual beliefs that these products bring good ...
China Wildlife Free Traveler Campaign Report
The China component of the Wildlife Free Traveler campaign was designed and developed to increase Chinese travelers' awareness of the illegality and penalties ...
Wildlife Free Gifting Campaign Report
The continuing Wildlife Free Gifting campaign followed the recommendation of USAID Wildlife Asia's monitoring survey to expand the campaign’s geographic focus ...
Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partner Coordination Meeting Report
The Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partner Coordination Meeting took place on January 12, 2023. Outcomes included a plan for the year ahead that ...
Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum II Proceedings
The Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum II took place on December 13, 2022 and brought together CWT partners and stakeholders in Asia and ...
ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade 2021
The ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade 2021 provides key updates to the original version, which was first launched in 2016. ...
Wild Meat SBCC Demand Reduction Campaign Design Workshop with Stakeholders
The RDW Activity includes the design of an SBCC campaign strategic plan to reduce demand for illegal wild meat and prevent pandemics, which is based on the ...
Review of USAID Wildlife Asia Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Campaigns
This review was undertaken from data analyzed on nine USAID Wildlife Asia campaigns implemented in China, Thailand, and Vietnam from 2018 to 2021 to reduce ...
Civil Society and Social Inclusion Assessment
The overarching aim of the Civil Society and Social Inclusion Assessment (CSSIA) is to help inform and achieve greater results and impacts through improved ...
Political Economy Assessment: Regional Cooperation in Counter Wildlife Trafficking in Southeast Asia - Summary
This Political Economy Assessment (PEA) investigates evidence of progress, stasis, or decline in formal and informal efforts to enhance regional cooperation on ...
One Health Landscape Assessment
This One Health Landscape Assessment seeks to clarify ASEAN priorities and mechanisms to reduce zoonotic spillover through a One Health approach and identify ...
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Analysis
The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) study provides a systematic overview of the state of knowledge about gender and social dynamics, including the ...
No to Ivory Souvenirs and Gifts Campaign Report
The No to Ivory Souvenirs and Gifts campaign was produced as part of a collaboration with the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation (GTAEF)1 of the Minor ...
Beautiful Without Ivory Campaign Report
The “Beautiful Without Ivory” campaign aimed to reach and engage those who desire to buy and use ivory jewelry and accessories because of its perceived beauty. ...
USAID Reducing Demand for Wildlife Fact Sheet
USAID Reducing Demand for Wildlife works to end wildlife trafficking in Southeast Asia and China, focusing on elephant ivory, rhino horn, and tiger and ...
Wildlife Free Gifting Phases 1 and 2 Campaign Report
Gifting with wildlife products shows the status and wealth of the “giver”, and particularly their caring and respect to the recipient. Based on this finding, ...
Spiritual Beliefs Thailand Phases 1 and 2 Campaign Report
The Spiritual Beliefs Campaign in Thailand which was implemented in two campaign phases. The campaign aimed to reduce demand for ivory and tiger products ...
Digital Deterrence Campaign Report
The Digital Deterrence Campaign Phases 1 and 2 used approaches from behavioral economics to augment more traditional social and behavior change communication ...
I am #IvoryFree Thailand Campaign Report
The I am #IvoryFree campaign addressed demand drivers for ivory based on USAID Wildlife Asia’s April 2017 report "What Drives Demand for Wildlife? A Situation ...
Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum Proceedings
The Regional Counter Wildlife Trafficking Partnership Forum was a virtual event co-hosted by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, ...
Chi Initiative Phase III Campaign Report
The Chi Initiative was designed to change status-seeking consumption behaviors among the target audience of Vietnamese businessmen. The campaign focused on ...
Wildlife Protection Law Promotion Campaign Report
In July 2016, China’s National People’s Congress passed a new revision of the Wildlife Protection Law, China’s primary piece of legislation relating to ...
Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium on Best Practices in Environmental Courts and Adjudication
The Asia-Pacific Judicial Symposium on Best Practices in Environmental Courts and Adjudication brought together over 120 judges and selected environmental law ...
Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Guidebook (Vietnamese)
This Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Guidebook is intended for use by individuals and organizations in planning, implementing, and evaluating ...
Thailand Judicial Training Institute Course for Judges - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia, in partnership with Thailand’s Judicial Training Institute (JTI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) developed an ...
ASEAN Engagement - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia works at the regional, national, and local levels leveraging and supporting partnerships to maximize impacts towards Counter Wildlife ...
Thailand Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act 2019 - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia supported and contributed to the passing of the landmark legislation, Thailand’s national Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act (WARPA) ...
Law and Policy Activities and Impacts - At A Glance
Uneven laws and policies have created loopholes that wildlife traffickers have exploited, profiting from a $20 billion annual industry with minimal penalty. ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Legacy Resources and Tools - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia is a five-year (2016-2021), US$24.5 million, regional counter wildlife trafficking (CWT) initiative addressing the illegal trade in ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Fact Sheet (English)
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), working closely with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), addresses wildlife trafficking ...
Demand Reduction Tools and Resources - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia works with its network of partners to reduce consumer demand through campaigns and activities that apply the social and behavior change and ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Program Summary - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia, with its network of partners, has worked to eliminate, neutralize, and disrupt transnational wildlife trafficking by strengthening the ...
Rapid Reference Guide - At A Glance
Intended as a practical tool for wildlife investigators and prosecutors, the Rapid Reference Guide (RRG) on Applicable Offenses to Trafficking of Critically ...
Pangolin Species Identification Materials - At A Glance
The Pangolin Species Identification Guide is a user-friendly booklet and smartphone application featuring a simple photo layout with minimal text, written for ...
Counter Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) Training Package - At A Glance
The Counter Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) training course is a set of training materials that includes an Instructor Manual, PowerPoint presentations, ...
Law Enforcement Activities and Impacts - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia, with its network of partners, has worked to eliminate, neutralize, and disrupt transnational wildlife trafficking by developing a regional ...
Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Guidebook - At A Glance
The SBCC Demand Reduction Guidebook supports organizations to target actual and potential consumers and to understand and address the specific factors driving ...
Demand Reduction Campaigns - At A Glance
Using in-depth consumer research, USAID Wildlife Asia worked with government and private sector partners to develop and conduct 11 campaigns in the region, ...
Demand Reduction Activities and Impacts - At A Glance
USAID Wildlife Asia implements an innovative and evidence-based SBCC approach to change practices and build new social norms around the use of wildlife ...
Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Guidebook (Thai)
This Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Guidebook is intended for use by individuals and organizations in planning, implementing, and evaluating ...
Corporate Social Responsibility Guidebook (Vietnamese)
The guidebook is part of the Chi Initiative, a Vietnamese behavior change program that highlights the leadership role of local businesses and businesspeople in ...
Capacity Building Assessment: Examining CWT Trainings
A presentation on the assessment of USAID Wildlife Asia’s law enforcement CWT capacity building programs that was conducted to gain a greater understanding of ...
Second Assessment of USAID Wildlife Asia Law Enforcement Training Support Report
After 18 months of implementing training activities, USAID Wildlife Asia conducted an initial assessment to examine the skills, knowledge, and competencies ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest: Southeast Asia and China, 2020
USAID Wildlife Asia regularly collects and updates documentation on the current state of wildlife trafficking through a compilation of direct observations, ...
Second Workshop for Spiritual Leaders on Reducing Demand for Wildlife Products
The workshop, held in Phitsanulok province on March 13, 2021, was a collaboration between the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), USAID Wildlife ...
Social and Behavior Change Communication Demand Reduction Guidebook
This Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Guidebook is intended for use by individuals and organizations in planning, implementing, and evaluating ...
ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Wildlife Crime
The ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Wildlife Crime provides a regional overview of the similarities and differences in the national legal ...
USAID RDMA History of Combating Wildlife Trafficking
USAID has been working to counter the illegal wildlife trade since 2006. Wildlife trafficking is a lucrative international crime perpetrated by organized ...
Workshop for Spiritual Leaders on Reducing Demand for Wildlife Products Training Report
The workshop was a collaboration between the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), USAID Wildlife Asia, WildAid Thailand, the Thai Department of ...
Vietnam National Assembly Handbook of Conservation Policy Case Studies
Following the high-level dialogue held in July 2019, the Office of the National Assembly worked in collaboration with the United States Agency for ...
Vietnam Central Committee for Propaganda and Education Meeting on Challenges in Protecting Endangered, Rare, and Precious Species
Responsible for developing and disseminating key communication on a range of priorities including legislation, policy, guidance, and directives, the Central ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest: Southeast Asia and China, 2019
USAID Wildlife Asia and TRAFFIC regularly collect and update documentation on the current state of wildlife trafficking of these species through a compilation ...
Digital Approaches to Demand Reduction: Recent Results from the Field
A joint webinar presentation by USAID Wildlife Asia, World Wildlife Fund, and WildAid for the USAID Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Group and World ...
Digital Deterrence Campaign in Thailand
A presentation on Digital Approaches to Demand Reduction given during the webinar for USAID Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Group on May 23, 2019
CCPE Journal on Challenges in Protecting Endangered, Precious and Rare Wildlife Species
This Journal was developed by the Central Committee for Propaganda and Education to serve as a guide for Vietnamese government communicators to provide ...
Handbook on Wildlife Conservation Policy
This Handbook is an outcome of the High Level Dialogue that the National Assembly of Vietnam conducted in partnership with USAID Wildlife Asia on July 26, 2019 ...
Corporate Social Responsibility Guidebook
The guidebook is part of the Chi Initiative, a Vietnamese behavior change program that highlights the leadership role of local businesses and businesspeople ...

Beautiful Without Ivory Campaign Key Visual
The “Beautiful Without Ivory” campaign aims to reach and engage those who desire to buy and use ivory jewelry and accessories because of its perceived beauty. ...
Beautiful Without Ivory Campaign Poster Presentation
Thailand’s “Beautiful Without Ivory” Campaign was presented on November 21, 2019 during the USAID Counter Wildlife Trafficking Learning Event held at the USAID ...
No Ivory No Tiger Amulets Campaign Poster Presentation
Thailand’s “No Ivory No Tiger Amulets” Campaign was presented on November 21, 2019 during the USAID Counter Wildlife Trafficking Learning Event held at the ...
Wildlife Protection Law Campaign Poster Presentation
China’s “Wildlife Protection Law (WPL”) Campaign was presented on November 21, 2019 during the USAID Counter Wildlife Trafficking Learning Event held at the ...
Scaling Efforts to Counter-Wildlife Trafficking Through Legislative Reforms - A Selection of Best Practices, Key Innovations and Model Provisions
This monograph provides a short description and highlights key provisions of a selection of legislative and policy innovations and best practices available in ...
คู่มือการระบุชนิดลิ่น (นิ่ม): QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
Pangolin Species Identification Guide Poster - Thai
Pangolin Species Identification Guide Poster - Vietnamese
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest, Issue II, March 2019
USAID Wildlife Asia regularly updates documentation of the current state of wildlife trafficking of these species through a compilation of secondary ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Lao version)
This guide is published in Lao and designed to help you confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body parts and scales even when ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide Poster - English
Pangolin Species Identification Guide Poster - English
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Indonesian)
This guide is published in Indonesian and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Report: Leadership Workshop on SBCC and Integration of Wildlife Protection into CSR Policy
USAID Wildlife Asia, in collaboration with Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Da Nang, conducted a two-day Leadership Training Workshop on social ...
USAID Research Study on Consumer Demand for Elephant, Rhino and Pangolin Parts and Products in Vietnam
This report provides comprehensive information on the methodology and findings of the quantitative component of the consumer demand research study. Since this ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Portuguese version)
This guide is published in Portuguese and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Report: Coordination Meeting on Demand Reduction for Wildlife
During the Thailand Formative Research presentation on June 5, 2018, USAID Wildlife Asia conducted a session so that participants, in three small groups, could ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Khmer version)
This guide is published in Khmer and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Khmer version)
This guide is published in Khmer and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Presentation of the Research Findings of the Research on Consumer Demand for Ivory and Tiger Products in Thailand
This event presented the findings of USAID Wildlife Asia’s study entitled Research on Consumer Demand for Ivory and Tiger Products in Thailand, which falls ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (French version)
This guide is published in French and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (French version)
This guide is published in French and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Malay version)
This guide is published in Malay and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Malay version)
This guide is published in Malay and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Chinese version)
This guide is published in Chinese and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Chinese version)
This guide is published in Chinese and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Info Sheet - Research Study on Consumer Demand for Elephant, Pangolin, Rhino and Tiger Parts and Products in China (Chinese)
This research study identifies the consumer demands for elephant, pangolin, rhino and tiger parts and products in China. The findings describe and analyze the ...
Research Study on Consumer Demand for Elephant, Pangolin, Rhino and Tiger Parts and Products in China (Chinese)
This research study identifies the consumer demands for elephant, pangolin, rhino and tiger parts and products in China. The findings describe and analyze the ...
Info Sheet - Research Study on Consumer Demand for Elephant, Pangolin, Rhino and Tiger Parts and Products in China (English)
This research study identifies the consumer demands for elephant, pangolin, rhino and tiger parts and products in China. The findings describe and analyze the ...
Research Study on Consumer Demand for Elephant, Pangolin, Rhino and Tiger Parts and Products in China (English)
This research study identifies the consumer demands for elephant, pangolin, rhino and tiger parts and products in China. The findings describe and analyze the ...
Info sheet - Consumer research findings on ivory and tiger products in Thailand (Thai)
This consumer research is part of the USAID Wildlife Asia. It aims to provide information on the attitudes and practices of the general population in Thailand ...
Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Consumer Demand for Wildlife Products in Thailand (Thai)
This consumer research is part of the USAID Wildlife Asia. It aims to provide information on the attitudes and practices of the general population in Thailand ...
Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Consumer Demand for Wildlife Products in Thailand (English)
This consumer research is part of the USAID Wildlife Asia activity. It aims to provide information on the attitudes and practices of the general population in ...
Info sheet - Consumer research findings on ivory and tiger products in Thailand (English)
This consumer research is part of the USAID Wildlife Asia. It aims to provide information on the attitudes and practices of the general population in Thailand ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Vietnamese version)
This guide is published in Vietnamese and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Vietnamese version)
This guide is published in Vietnamese and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body ...
The Principles of Wildlife Conservation Funds and Restitution – Additional remedy to wildlife and forest offenses
The Principles of Wildlife Conservation Funds and Restitution – Additional remedy to wildlife and forest offenses in East Asia and the Pacific alone, the ...
USAID Wildlife Asia Counter Wildlife Trafficking Digest: Southeast Asia and China
USAID Wildlife Asia aims to document and understand the current state of wildlife trafficking in Southeast Asia and China through the compilation of secondary ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Thai version)
This guide is published in Thai and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body parts ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (Thai version)
This guide is published in Thai and designed to help law enforcement officers confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body parts ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk (English)
This guide is designed to help you confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body parts and scales even when removed from the ...
Pangolin Species Identification Guide: A Rapid Assessment Tool for Field and Desk
This guide is designed to help you confidently identify the eight species of pangolin, and when possible, body parts and scales even when removed from the ...
Executive Summary: Africa-Asia Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime
The Africa Asia-Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime (Symposium) was convened by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task ...
Full Report: Africa-Asia Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime
The Africa Asia-Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime (Symposium) was convened by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task ...
Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Workshop for Thai NGOs
From October 9 to 11, 2017, USAID Wildlife Asia conducted an SBCC workshop in Bangkok with the Thai Conservation Partnership coordinated by IUCN Thailand. This ...
Media Workshop on Combating Wildlife Trafficking in ASEAN & China (Workshop Report)
USAID Wildlife Asia organized a Media Workshop on Combating Wildlife Trafficking in ASEAN & China, for active reporters from Southeast Asia and China during ...
Counter Wildlife Trafficking Initiatives Reference Guide: Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam
Currently there are a large number of initiatives to counter wildlife trafficking occurring in South East Asia conducted by a variety of organizations and ...
Summaries of consumer research, campaign evaluation studies and other literature relevant to demand for wildlife parts and products in China, Vietnam and Thailand
USAID Wildlife Asia commissioned a Situation Analysis of consumer demand for ivory, pangolin, rhino horn and tiger parts and products in China, Thailand, and ...
What Drives Demand for Wildlife? A Situation Analysis of Consumer Demand for Wildlife Parts and Products in China, Thailand and Vietnam Based on a Literature Review
This Situation Analysis is the first step in creating an evidence base for a USAID Wildlife Asia demand reduction program in the three focus countries. The ...