Civil Society and Social Inclusion Assessment
As the Mekong sub-region transforms from predominantly agriculture-based to industrialized economies, pressures on species and their habitats are increasing. Across the sub-region, infrastructure development is profoundly impacting the environment. The benefits of development have largely accrued to the demographically smaller urban elite, while costs have largely been borne by the rural poor. This in turn has transformed rural land relations and presented new insecurities for land tenure of both indigenous peoples and forest-reliant communities.
In this report, the questions of exclusion, participation, and representation are queried, and the study aims to identify common challenges and opportunities for greater participation in the design of inclusive CWT programs. The findings and recommendations reflect perspectives that value the inherent connection between nature and people. Harmony with nature ultimately hinges on the recognition of human rights and intergenerational equity over lands, territories, and resources.
This CSSIA study is designed to complement the RDW Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis, particularly with regard to indigenous peoples and youth in the region.
RDW conducted three separate but interrelated assessments to aid the project in planning future program directions and activities. This CSSIA, the Political Economy Analysis, and the One Health Landscape Assessment aim to provide insight into emerging opportunities to build upon work undertaken in biodiversity conservation in the region, including more than a decade of work to combat wildlife trafficking.
RDW CSSIA Research.pdf — 1495 KB